
What kind of massage do I offer.

Traditional oil-based massages are different from Zen Shiatsu in that they are commonly aimed at receiving a full body release of surface tension, or symptoms caused by the daily stresses of life. Oil based massages are often chosen over Shiatsu because of the ability to be very specific and to work quickly in getting temporary relief of general low energy or tiredness. It’s a time to just lay back and be taken care of 

My massage treatments can draw from a wide range of tactile modalities including Swedish massage, connective tissue treatment, deep tissue massage, acupressure and Reiki. These treatments vary in relation to the pressure that is used, and the style of techniques that are used, but are not measured in being one any ‘deeper’ than the other. The art of good Massage therapy is to know how to choose the right session for the right person. Often, I find people know what they want, and in those cases, I enjoy being able to provide the desired session for my clients. 

I use a very comfortable portable table and only the highest quality organic oils.


Due to the variety of choices for sessions and timings, prices can be discussed on enquiry.