Pre-Natal Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga is becoming exceedingly popular for its ability to help mothers and partners to turn inward to their intuitive and natural understandings of the magic of life bearing. As a yoga teacher, being able to provide the kind of space that women are seeking to help them stay connected during pregnancy is one of the most rewarding experiences I receive in my work. Often women who have never practiced before, make their way to yoga once they become pregnant. These sessions are created for you in one of the most beautiful and important phases of health and wellbeing. 

Depending on how you wish to approach your pregnancy, I work with Yoga in an energy rhythm which spans a 10 Moon Cycle. It is based on how each trimester requires its own pathway through physical and emotional challenges. In the Sessions you can learn how to create Yoga that balances the effects of the Trimester changes supporting the psychological waves which go with the hormonal and environmental challenges that pregnancy brings to women’s lives. 

Pre-Natal Yoga Sessions can be taken in any style, from pure simple Yoga practices, to creating your own pregnancy Rituals, which deliver a time honored and timely reconnection to the power of the feminine wisdom. Aligning for better health, through the energy of our Moons rhythms, we can learn how to connect to the Natural forces of creating, that we as women carry. 

Through the wonder of Birth and the early stages of life on Earth, fertility practices, Pregnancy Yoga and nature rituals connect us, and our partners, to the cycles of Life. These sessions are set to enrich the experiences for mothers, both young and new or with families at all ages, to support the healthy and spiritually vital passage of our next generations.

All sessions take into consideration the different aspects of pregnancy that might influence you on a day to day basis, including in which Trimester you are, what challenges you might experience mentally or physically, as well as your daily energy and fitness levels. Whether you need to restore your energy levels with more gentle practices, or if you feel ready to strengthen the connection between your mind and body with stronger physical practices, I will make the practice approachable for you personally. 

Mom and Dad Partner-Yoga & Massage

Partner Yoga is a way for couples to approach Yoga playfully and yet still with connection. Partner Yoga includes exploring postures through a mutual expression, giving and receiving full body stretches, mutually supportive strengthening poses, breathing exercises, and simple massage techniques given by the partner to the mother who is carrying the child. Throughout the session, there is time to practice and play around with physical communication and the dance of giving and receiving.

During these simple and lighthearted sessions the partner will learn how to support the mother throughout her pregnancy on a physical level with easy massage techniques that serve to soften the tensions that pregnancy places throughout women’s bodies. Besides that, the yoga aims at opening as well as strengthening the body parts that will need it most, during pregnancy, labour, and after the child is born. All this is taught in an approachable and gentle space where you will experience a lot of playful connection with your partner. 

There is flexibility for us to accommodate for any special wishes during these sessions. Depending on your personal interest, we can create sessions which are either more massage or yoga orientated. I also offer sessions for couples that focus solely on teaching partners massage techniques which will help the mother throughout pregnancy and labour. It is a great way to include both partners actively in the journey, as massage will give the mom, and the child, a flood of health inspiring endorphins (the feel-good hormones! ). Massage is a great way for mother and child to stay relaxed and this will give them both the best possible preparation for birth and life after. 



Due to the variety of choices for sessions and timings, prices can be discussed on enquiry.